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The Complete Guide on Why You Should Be Advertising on LinkedIn

In today's digital age, businesses are constantly seeking effective and targeted platforms to advertise their products and services. While social media has become a popular avenue for reaching a wide audience, not all platforms are created equal when it comes to connecting with professionals and decision-makers in the business world. This is where LinkedIn, the world's largest professional network, stands out as a powerful advertising platform.

LinkedIn has evolved beyond its initial purpose of connecting professionals and has become a hub for thought leadership, networking, career development, and business opportunities. With over 700 million members worldwide, LinkedIn offers a unique environment where professionals gather to share industry insights, engage in meaningful discussions, and seek out valuable connections.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the reasons why LinkedIn should be a crucial component of your advertising strategy. We will explore the unmatched professional audience that LinkedIn attracts and the various targeting options it provides. We will also uncover the specific benefits that LinkedIn offers for brand awareness, thought leadership, and lead generation. By the end of this guide, you will have a clear understanding of why LinkedIn deserves a prominent place in your marketing arsenal.

This guide is split in 6 parts:

Part 1: The Professional Audience

LinkedIn's user base consists of professionals across diverse industries, job functions, and seniority levels. Unlike other social media platforms, LinkedIn attracts a focused audience that actively seeks professional opportunities, knowledge-sharing, and business-related content. We will explore why this professional audience is highly relevant and how it sets LinkedIn apart as an advertising platform.

Part 2: Targeting Options

LinkedIn provides a robust array of targeting options that enable advertisers to reach their desired audience precisely. We will delve into the different targeting criteria available on LinkedIn, such as job title, job function, industry, company size, and more. Understanding and leveraging these targeting options will allow you to optimize your campaigns, ensuring that your ads are displayed to the right professionals at the right time.

Part 3: Brand Awareness and Thought Leadership

LinkedIn offers unique opportunities for businesses to establish their brand presence and position themselves as thought leaders in their respective industries. We will explore how LinkedIn's professional environment, content sharing capabilities, engagement with professionals, and Pulse publishing platform contribute to building brand awareness and thought leadership. You will discover strategies to showcase your expertise, engage with the LinkedIn community, and elevate your brand's visibility and credibility.

Part 4: Lead Generation

Generating high-quality leads is a primary objective for any business, and LinkedIn provides excellent opportunities in this regard. We will uncover how LinkedIn's professional audience, precise targeting options, lead generation forms, and retargeting capabilities contribute to effective lead generation. You will gain insights into leveraging LinkedIn's advertising platform to capture qualified leads, nurture relationships, and drive conversions.

Part 5: Retargeting Opportunities

Retargeting, also known as remarketing, is a powerful advertising strategy that allows you to re-engage with users who have previously interacted with your brand or visited your website. LinkedIn offers retargeting capabilities that enable you to stay top of mind and nurture potential leads. Let's explore the retargeting opportunities on LinkedIn and how they can benefit your company.

Part 6: Analytics and Reporting Features

To measure the success of your LinkedIn advertising campaigns, you need access to reliable data and robust analytics. We will explore the analytics and reporting features offered by LinkedIn's ad platform, which allow you to track campaign performance, audience insights, conversion tracking, A/B testing, and real-time reporting. These features will empower you to make data-driven decisions, optimize your strategies, and maximise the effectiveness of your advertising efforts.

1. The Professional Audience

LinkedIn is a social media platform primarily focused on professionals and businesses. It has over 700 million users worldwide, including a wide range of industries, job functions, and seniority levels. If your company's target audience consists of professionals, decision-makers, or B2B customers, LinkedIn provides a highly relevant platform to reach them.

The professional audience on LinkedIn is highly relevant for several reasons. Here's why:

Business Networking

LinkedIn is often referred to as the "professional social network" because it is designed for connecting with colleagues, industry peers, and professionals across various fields. The platform provides opportunities to establish valuable connections, expand professional networks, and collaborate with like-minded individuals. This networking aspect is particularly relevant for companies looking to build relationships, partnerships, or seek new talent.

B2B Marketing Opportunities

LinkedIn's user base consists of professionals from different industries, including decision-makers and influencers within organizations. This makes it an ideal platform for business-to-business (B2B) marketing. Companies can target specific job titles, industries, company sizes, or seniority levels to reach the right audience with their products or services. LinkedIn allows you to tailor your messaging to resonate with professionals and showcase how your offerings can address their specific business needs.

Recruitment and Talent Acquisition

LinkedIn is widely used by recruiters, HR professionals, and job seekers. Companies can leverage LinkedIn's extensive user database and powerful search features to find and attract top talent. With targeted job ads, sponsored content, or company pages, businesses can showcase their company culture, job openings, and career opportunities, making it easier to reach and engage with potential candidates.

Thought Leadership and Industry Insights

LinkedIn is a platform where professionals often share industry insights, thought leadership content, and engage in meaningful discussions. By participating in these conversations, companies can establish themselves as experts in their field, gain credibility, and enhance their brand reputation. Sharing valuable content and engaging with professionals on LinkedIn can help build trust and attract potential customers or clients.

Professional Development and Learning

LinkedIn provides various learning resources, including LinkedIn Learning courses, webinars, and industry-specific groups. Professionals use the platform to enhance their skills, stay updated on industry trends, and expand their knowledge base. Companies can tap into this aspect by offering educational content, industry insights, or hosting webinars, positioning themselves as a valuable resource and driving engagement with their target audience.

Industry-Specific Targeting

LinkedIn allows you to target your ads based on specific criteria such as industry, job function, seniority level, company size, and more. This level of granularity enables precise targeting to reach professionals who are most likely to be interested in your products, services, or career opportunities. By tailoring your messaging to these specific segments, you can increase the relevance of your ads and improve your chances of success.

In summary, the professional audience on LinkedIn is relevant because it provides opportunities for networking, B2B marketing, talent acquisition, thought leadership, professional development, and targeted reach. Leveraging LinkedIn's platform can help companies connect with the right professionals, build brand awareness, and achieve their business objectives effectively.

2. Targeting Options

LinkedIn offers a variety of precise targeting options to help you reach your ideal audience. You can target based on criteria such as industry, job title, company size, seniority level, skills, and more. This level of granularity allows you to narrow down your ads' reach and ensure they are shown to the most relevant individuals, increasing the chances of engagement and conversions.

LinkedIn offers a range of targeting options to help you reach your desired audience effectively. Here are the key targeting options available on LinkedIn and how you can use them to your advantage:

Location Targeting

This option allows you to target users based on their geographic location. You can specify countries, regions, states, cities, or even target users within a specific radius of a particular location. Location targeting is useful when you want to focus your ads on a specific market or region.

Job Title and Job Function Targeting

LinkedIn allows you to target users based on their job titles or job functions. This enables you to reach professionals in specific roles, such as CEOs, marketing managers, software engineers, or human resources professionals. Job title and function targeting are valuable for B2B marketing, as you can tailor your ads to decision-makers or individuals in relevant positions.

Industry Targeting

With industry targeting, you can narrow down your audience based on the industry they work in. LinkedIn has a wide range of industries available for targeting, allowing you to focus your ads on professionals in specific sectors, such as technology, finance, healthcare, or education. This option is particularly helpful when your products or services cater to specific industries.

Company Size Targeting

You can target users based on the size of the companies they work for. This targeting option allows you to focus on small businesses, medium-sized enterprises, or large corporations. Tailoring your messaging based on company size can help you align your offerings with the needs and resources of different organizations.

Seniority Level Targeting

LinkedIn allows you to target users based on their seniority levels within their organizations. This includes options like entry-level, mid-level, senior-level, or executive positions. Seniority level targeting is beneficial when you want to focus on decision-makers or professionals at specific levels of authority.

Education Targeting

LinkedIn provides education targeting options, allowing you to reach users based on their educational background. You can target users who have specific degrees, fields of study, or educational institutions listed on their profiles. Education targeting is helpful when your products, services, or job opportunities require specific educational qualifications or have a strong connection to certain educational institutions.

Skills and Interests Targeting

LinkedIn allows you to target users based on the skills they possess or the interests they have indicated on their profiles. This targeting option helps you focus on individuals with specific expertise or those interested in particular topics related to your offerings. Skills and interests targeting can be useful when you want to reach professionals with specialized knowledge or engage with a specific niche audience.

Using these targeting options to your advantage allows you to ensure that your ads are displayed to the most relevant audience, increasing the chances of engagement and conversions. By refining your targeting criteria based on your ideal customer or client profile, you can optimize your ad spend and maximize the impact of your campaigns.

It's important to note that while targeting options provide a powerful tool for reaching your audience, it's equally crucial to create compelling ad content that resonates with the targeted users. High-quality, relevant ads are more likely to capture attention, generate interest, and drive desired actions.

Additionally, regularly monitoring your ad performance, analysing the results, and making data-driven adjustments are key to optimising your campaigns and achieving the best outcomes on LinkedIn.

3. Brand Awareness and Thought Leadership

LinkedIn ads can help build brand awareness and establish your company as a thought leader in your industry. Sponsored content, such as sponsored posts or videos, can be used to share valuable content, industry insights, case studies, or product updates with a targeted audience. This can enhance your company's reputation, attract followers, and generate interest in your offerings.

LinkedIn can be highly beneficial for brand awareness and establishing thought leadership for your company. Here's how LinkedIn can help in these areas:

Professional Environment

LinkedIn provides a professional environment where individuals and businesses connect, interact, and engage with industry-specific content. By leveraging LinkedIn's platform, you can position your company as a thought leader and industry expert in front of a professional audience that is actively seeking valuable insights and industry-related content.

Content Sharing

LinkedIn allows you to share various types of content, including articles, blog posts, videos, infographics, and more. You can use these content formats to showcase your expertise, share valuable industry insights, provide educational content, or present case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of your products or services. Consistently sharing high-quality content helps increase your company's visibility and fosters engagement with your target audience.

Engaging with Professionals

LinkedIn offers opportunities to engage with professionals through discussions, comments, and sharing insights. By actively participating in relevant conversations, you can demonstrate your knowledge, offer helpful advice, and engage with potential customers, clients, or partners. Engaging with professionals on LinkedIn builds credibility and fosters relationships, making your company more memorable and establishing it as a trusted authority in your industry.

Pulse Articles and Publishing Platform

LinkedIn's Pulse publishing platform allows you to publish long-form articles and share them with your connections or a broader LinkedIn audience. This feature provides a dedicated space for showcasing your expertise, thought leadership, and industry-specific knowledge. Publishing well-crafted articles on LinkedIn can help amplify your company's reach, attract a wider audience, and increase brand awareness.

Sponsored Content

LinkedIn's advertising platform offers sponsored content options, such as sponsored posts or videos. These ads allow you to amplify your content and target it to a specific audience based on various criteria, such as industry, job function, or seniority level. By promoting your valuable content through sponsored ads, you can significantly expand its reach, gain visibility, and increase the likelihood of engagement and shares, thus enhancing your brand awareness.

Company Pages

LinkedIn company pages provide a dedicated space to showcase your brand, share updates, and engage with your audience. You can optimize your company page with relevant information, including your brand story, mission, products or services, and career opportunities. Regularly posting updates, sharing company news, and interacting with followers on your company page helps solidify your brand identity, increase visibility, and establish thought leadership.

Targeted Advertising

LinkedIn's advanced targeting options allow you to reach professionals who are most likely to be interested in your brand, products, or services. By leveraging the targeting capabilities, you can ensure your ads are displayed to the right audience at the right time. This targeted approach enhances the effectiveness of your brand awareness campaigns and increases the chances of reaching professionals who are likely to engage with your content and become brand advocates.

It's important to maintain a consistent and authentic presence on LinkedIn to establish your company as a thought leader and build brand awareness. By regularly sharing valuable content, engaging with professionals, and leveraging the various LinkedIn features and advertising options, you can effectively position your company as an industry authority and attract a loyal following.

4. Lead Generation

LinkedIn offers lead generation forms that allow you to capture valuable information from interested users directly within the platform. When users click on your ad, they can submit their contact details (name, email, etc.) without leaving LinkedIn, making it convenient and increasing the likelihood of conversions. This can be especially effective for companies offering B2B products or services.

LinkedIn can be a powerful platform for lead generation due to its professional user base and robust targeting capabilities. Here's why LinkedIn can help your company with lead generation:

Professional Audience

LinkedIn is primarily used by professionals and businesses, making it an ideal platform to reach a B2B audience. The users on LinkedIn are actively engaged and interested in professional opportunities, industry insights, and business-related content. This professional audience increases the chances of connecting with individuals who are more likely to be decision-makers or key influencers within their organizations.

Precise Targeting Options

LinkedIn offers a wide range of targeting options to help you reach your desired audience. You can target based on criteria such as job title, job function, industry, company size, seniority level, and more. This level of granularity allows you to narrow down your target audience and ensure your ads are displayed to professionals who are most relevant to your business. Precise targeting increases the likelihood of capturing qualified leads.

Lead Generation Forms

LinkedIn provides a feature called Lead Gen Forms that allows you to collect valuable information from interested users directly within the platform. When users click on your ad, a pre-filled form is presented to them, leveraging the information from their LinkedIn profiles. Users can submit their contact details without leaving LinkedIn, resulting in a frictionless experience that improves the conversion rate. Lead Gen Forms simplify the lead capture process and make it more convenient for users, thereby increasing the number of leads generated.

Retargeting Opportunities

LinkedIn offers retargeting capabilities that allow you to reach users who have previously engaged with your content or visited your website. By displaying personalized ads to these users, you can remind them of your brand, products, or services, and encourage them to take the next step. Retargeting on LinkedIn can be an effective strategy to re-engage potential leads and move them further down the sales funnel.

High-Quality Content Engagement

LinkedIn users actively engage with professional content, including articles, posts, and videos. By creating and sharing high-quality, relevant content, you can attract the attention of your target audience and drive engagement. Engaging content helps establish your company's credibility, builds trust, and encourages users to take action, such as signing up for newsletters, requesting demos, or downloading resources—ultimately generating leads.

Analytics and Measurement

LinkedIn's ad platform provides robust analytics and measurement features that allow you to track the performance of your lead generation campaigns. You can monitor metrics such as impressions, clicks, leads generated, and cost per lead. This data enables you to analyse the effectiveness of your campaigns, optimize your strategies, and make informed decisions to maximize your return on investment.

To leverage LinkedIn effectively for lead generation, it's essential to create compelling ad content, offer valuable resources or incentives to encourage conversions, and continuously refine your targeting based on the characteristics of your ideal leads. By combining precise targeting, engaging content, and a strategic approach, LinkedIn can be a valuable channel for generating high-quality leads for your company.

5. Retargeting Opportunities

LinkedIn provides retargeting capabilities that enable you to reach users who have previously interacted with your website, engaged with your content, or shown interest in your company. By displaying personalized ads to these users, you can increase brand recall and encourage them to take the next desired action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a demo.

Here's how retargeting on LinkedIn can help your company:

Stay Top of Mind

Retargeting allows you to display your ads to users who have already shown interest in your brand. By staying top of mind and reminding them about your products, services, or offerings, you increase the chances of converting them into customers or clients. Retargeting helps reinforce your brand messaging and keeps your company fresh in the minds of potential leads.

Drive Conversion

Users who have engaged with your brand but haven't converted yet may require an extra push to take the desired action. Retargeting enables you to show personalized ads to these users, reminding them of the value you offer and encouraging them to convert. By tailoring your messaging based on their previous interactions, you can address any objections, highlight benefits, or offer incentives to drive conversions.

Cross-Sell and Upsell

Retargeting is not only useful for capturing new leads but also for nurturing existing customers. By targeting previous customers with relevant cross-selling or upselling ads, you can encourage repeat purchases, promote complementary products or services, or showcase premium upgrades. Retargeting existing customers can help increase customer lifetime value and drive additional revenue.

Abandoned Cart Recovery

For e-commerce businesses, retargeting can be particularly effective in recovering abandoned carts. If a user has added products to their cart but didn't complete the purchase, you can use retargeting ads to remind them of the items left behind and provide incentives or discounts to encourage them to complete the transaction. This can help recover lost sales and improve your conversion rate.

Custom Audiences

LinkedIn allows you to create custom audiences based on various criteria, such as website retargeting, email lists, or specific interactions with your LinkedIn content. This flexibility enables you to create highly targeted audience segments for your retargeting campaigns. For example, you can retarget users who have visited specific product pages on your website or target individuals who have engaged with your LinkedIn posts. Custom audiences help you refine your retargeting efforts and deliver more relevant ads.

Dynamic Ads

LinkedIn offers dynamic ads, which allow you to automatically personalize the content of your ads based on the user's LinkedIn profile data. This dynamic content can include the user's name, profile image, company name, or job title. Dynamic ads enhance the personalization and relevance of your retargeting efforts, capturing the attention of users and increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversion.

Retargeting on LinkedIn helps you maximise the impact of your advertising campaigns by focusing on users who have already shown interest in your brand. By presenting them with relevant and personalized ads, you can drive conversions, increase customer loyalty, and generate more revenue from your marketing efforts.

6. Analytics and Reporting Features

LinkedIn's ad platform offers robust analytics and reporting features. You can track various metrics, such as impressions, clicks, engagement, conversions, and cost per action, allowing you to measure the effectiveness of your campaigns. This data helps you optimize your ads, make informed decisions, and maximize your return on investment.

Here's an overview of LinkedIn's ad platform analytics and reporting capabilities:

Campaign Performance Metrics

LinkedIn's ad platform provides detailed metrics to assess the performance of your campaigns. You can track key metrics such as impressions, clicks, click-through rates (CTR), engagement rates, conversions, cost per click (CPC), cost per lead (CPL), and more. These metrics give you a comprehensive understanding of how your campaigns are performing and help you measure the effectiveness of your advertising efforts.

Audience Insights

LinkedIn's ad platform offers audience insights that provide valuable information about the users engaging with your ads. You can access data on the demographics, job titles, industries, seniority levels, and locations of the users who have interacted with your ads. These insights help you understand your audience better, refine your targeting strategies, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your campaigns.

Conversion Tracking

LinkedIn allows you to set up conversion tracking to measure the impact of your ads on desired actions, such as form submissions, purchases, or downloads. By placing the LinkedIn Insight Tag on your website, you can track conversions and attribute them to specific campaigns, ad formats, or targeting criteria. Conversion tracking provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of your campaigns in driving desired actions and helps you optimize your marketing strategies accordingly.

A/B Testing

LinkedIn's ad platform enables you to conduct A/B testing to compare the performance of different ad variations. You can create multiple versions of your ads with different headlines, images, or calls to action and measure their performance against key metrics. A/B testing helps you identify the most effective ad elements, optimize your campaigns, and improve your overall advertising performance.

Reporting Dashboard

LinkedIn's ad platform provides a reporting dashboard that consolidates all the essential metrics and data related to your campaigns. The dashboard allows you to view and analyze campaign performance, audience insights, conversions, and other relevant data in a centralized location. This consolidated view simplifies the analysis process and helps you gain actionable insights quickly.

Exporting and Data Integration

LinkedIn's ad platform enables you to export your campaign data and integrate it with third-party analytics or reporting tools. You can export data in various formats, such as CSV or Excel, to further analyze and visualize the performance of your campaigns. Integrating LinkedIn's ad data with other analytics platforms allows for a holistic view of your marketing efforts and facilitates cross-channel analysis.

Real-Time Reporting

LinkedIn's ad platform offers real-time reporting, allowing you to monitor the performance of your campaigns as they happen. You can track metrics, such as impressions, clicks, and engagement rates, in real-time, enabling you to make timely adjustments and optimizations to your campaigns.

In conclusion, advertising on LinkedIn offers a multitude of benefits for businesses looking to establish a strong online presence and reach a professional audience. With its unparalleled user base of over 700 million professionals worldwide, LinkedIn provides a unique environment that fosters networking, thought leadership, and business opportunities.

Throughout this guide, we have explored the key reasons why LinkedIn should be a vital component of your advertising strategy. We have discussed the relevance of LinkedIn's professional audience and the targeting options available to reach them with precision. We have also highlighted how LinkedIn can help your company enhance brand awareness, establish thought leadership, and generate high-quality leads.

LinkedIn's ad platform empowers you to engage with professionals who are actively seeking industry insights, career development, and business connections. By strategically positioning your brand on LinkedIn, you can tap into this rich ecosystem and establish yourself as a trusted authority within your industry. The targeting capabilities provided by LinkedIn enable you to tailor your campaigns to specific professional characteristics, ensuring that your message resonates with the right audience.

Moreover, LinkedIn's analytics and reporting features provide valuable insights into the performance of your campaigns, allowing you to measure the effectiveness of your advertising efforts and make data-driven decisions. With real-time reporting, conversion tracking, and A/B testing, you can continually optimize your campaigns and maximize their impact.

By leveraging LinkedIn's retargeting opportunities, you can re-engage with users who have previously interacted with your brand, nurturing them through the buyer's journey and increasing the chances of conversion. Whether it's website retargeting, engagement retargeting, contact targeting, account-based marketing, or lookalike audiences, LinkedIn provides a variety of retargeting options to suit your specific business goals.

In today's competitive landscape, LinkedIn stands out as a powerful platform for advertising, connecting you with professionals who have the potential to become valuable customers, partners, or industry influencers. By incorporating LinkedIn into your advertising strategy, you can elevate your brand's visibility, establish thought leadership, drive high-quality leads, and ultimately achieve your marketing objectives.

As you embark on your LinkedIn advertising journey, remember to stay updated with the latest features and best practices, continuously monitor your campaigns' performance, and adapt your strategies based on the insights gleaned from LinkedIn's analytics.

Incorporate LinkedIn into your advertising mix, unlock its potential, and position your company for success in the dynamic digital landscape. Start harnessing the power of LinkedIn today and experience the manifold benefits it offers for your brand's growth and success.

To learn how to avoid making ad mistakes on LinkedIn, check out our blog called "The 10 Most Common LinkedIn Ad Mistakes and How To Avoid Them".

Contact us at for more information and to book a demo. Alternatively, you can go straight ahead with using our tool here.

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